Working to keep teen drivers safe in New York State
NYSDTSEA Conference
"Jump Starting Your Driver Ed Content"
Saturday, March 8, 2025
8 AM - 5 PM
Join driver educators, driving schools, and leaders in driver education at our annual conference. The conference this year will be virtual and next year in-person. Learn about new products, services, and organizations dedicated to keeping our nation's drivers safe.
News and Highlights
DERIC Curriculum Workshop
Are you a NYS driver education teacher? Participate in this workshop and RECEIVE A $100 INNCENTIVE!
2025 Dates To Be Announced
My Car Does What? A National Safety Campaign

We are looking for dynamic speakers to give us interesting information or tools to enhance driver education programs. We appreciate those who volunteer to speak at our conference at no cost, keeping registration fees low for our teachers.
Contact us today
Without our sponsors we would have a hard time putting on our annual conference. Sponsorship levels start at $250 with additional opportunities available. Gain great exposure for your business; sponsor the conference today!
Contact us today
Attend our conference for FREE! As an exhibitor, you get a 10' x 10' booth space (with 8-foot table, table linen and skirting, and two chairs). Meal tickets can be purchased during registration. Please let us know if you need access to electrical outlets.
Contact us todayPartners
Since 2009, New York State Driver Traffic Safety Education Association (NYSDTSEA) has advocated for excellence in driver education.
We are composed primarily of high school and college driver education teachers, supervisors, coordinators, and safety enthusiasts throughout New York. We are growing and hope to soon have members that represent over 200 driver education programs throughout New York state.
- To improve and upgrade the teaching by high school and college teachers of traffic safety and driver education in the high schools and colleges of New York State.
- To promote research which attempts to solve problems associated with driver and traffic safety and publish the information for use in high school and college driver education programs.
- To cooperate with other agencies which are concerned with traffic safety, driver education and young drivers in the high schools and colleges of New York.
Traffic Safety Education Association Serving:

- Capital Region
- Central New York
- Finger Lakes
- Long Island
- Mid-Hudson
- Mohawk Valley
- New York City
- North Country
- Southern Tier
- Western New York
Quick Resources
State Guidelines and Forms
DERIC Curriculum
The Driver Education Research and Innovation Center (DERIC) provides free, standardized driver education resources to help reduce crashes and produce safer teen drivers in New York State. The DERIC curriculum was developed by teen driving safety, teen behavior, driver education, and curriculum development experts through a partnership between the New York State Departments of Health, Motor Vehicles, and Education, as well as the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee.
Additional Resources
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
- Alive at 25
- End Distracted Driving
- Ford Driving Skills for Life: Interactive Training for Teens
- GEICO Educational Foundation: Safe Driving Resources
- National Road Safety Foundation
- National Safety Council DriveitHOME: Road Safety Tools and Resources
- Progressive LifeLanes: Vehicle Maintenance and General Driving Tips
- Share the Keys: A Resource Guide for Parents
- Toyota TeenDrive 365: Resources for Educators, Teens, and Parents
Frank Beyer Memorial Membership Award
Each year we will draw a name from those members who are in attendance at the annual conference. That person will be awarded a year's membership for the following year in honor of Frank M. Beyer. Learn more.
Hall of Fame Award
The Hall of Fame Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated long-term commitment and dedication to driver education and traffic safety.The nominee should be or have been a member of NYSDTSEA.
Nominate an individual for this award.
Past Recipients
- 2024: Abe Kestenbaum
- 2023: Gerald Goulet
- 2022: Scoot Kingsbury
- 2021: Jeff Baier
- 2020: Lynne Renner
- 2019: Alice Weele
- 2018: Gary Kocher
- 2017: Mike Bowman
- 2016: Lee Stanley
- 2015: Roger Dacey
- 2014: Bart Badalucco, Frank Beyer, and Jane Townsend
- 2013: Jeff Young
- 2012: Thomas Beach
- 2011: Steve Brown
Board of Directors
Jill Green
Erick Mundorff
Vice President
Troy Townsend
Jeff Baier
Brad Basal
Past President
Conference Committee
Jill Green
Marketing Committee
Troy Townsend
Curriculum/DERIC Committee
Brad Basal
Awards/Nominations Committee
NYSDTSEA Board of Directors
ADTSEA Representative
NYSDTSEA Board of Directors
Fundraising Committee
NYSDTSEA Board of Directors
Legislative Committee
NYSDTSEA Board of Directors
Hall of Fame Committee
NYSDTSEA Board of Directors
Constitution Committee
Brigitte Nesteroke
Membership Committee
Cathy Occhinoi
Vendors/Corporate Committee
Mark Rothwell/Doron
NSSP Representative
Jackie Townsend
Higher Education Committee
Jane Townsend
Elections Committee
Dan Twentyman